Elliot Yamin
Well, a liitle be-lated but I have just been listening to arguably the finest modern singer for a long long time-The fabulous Elliot Yamin. Without any doubts, as far as I am concerned this wonderfully human interpreter of lyric and harmony will be the Tony Bennett of the future.
Only Bennett and possibly Sinatra ever gave music so much passion and feel into their timing, and phrasing.
No hystronics just gets up and moves his audience like no other.
I'm guessing, but he seems to live and feel music. Putting all of his obvious love into it. Many thanks Elliot you have put back my faith into modern music interpretation.
I have spent my whole life as a singer all over the World and have rarely heard such talent. Great phrasers are in short supply I spend hours listening to Tony Bennett Nina Simone, Streisand et al, believe me Elliot Yamin is well on the way to being amongst them as an icon to great music.
Like Bennett he has what is missing from music these days -Humility. I for one will be amongst the first to buy his music. The originals.
Just as a matter of interest have you heard Tony Bennett's duets? Treat Yourself.

Labels: Elliot Yamin_Tony Bennett_Music_www.thebaldchemist.com
Great review! Elliott is bringing the true magic back into music!
I do believe that your review moved me as much as Elliott's singing does!
I have been infatuated, moved, and utterly rejuvenated from the first time I heard Elliott Yamin's voice! Sinatra and Bennett, look out, here comes Elliott Yamin!
Elliott had me from "There I go, there I go..." I have been infatuated ever since. His sure and steady rise on AI, despite his rather shoddy treatment, was a testament to real talent and the ability of the public to recognise it
no such thing as being "be-lated" when it comes to appreciating good music. Ia gree with you totally. Elliott is one of those singers who has the voice to be around & serve fans & listeners for eternity.
ELLIOTT YAMIN...Is the very best vocalist that I have ever heard. There is something about his voice that captured me the first time I heard it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this talented guy. It was a very nice read !!
You will get absolutely NO argument from me, when it comes to the pure PERFECTION of a voice that comes from the purest of souls, Elliott Yamin. For me, and so many others, we see it as a time for change in music, as we so BADLY need someone like Elliott who is humble, REAL, talented, and I feel he eats, sleeps, and BREATHES music.
There is no doubt that he is thankful for each and every moment he is allowed to do what he was obviously born to do, and for everyone who loves him and supports him. I for one will be supporting him till the day I die;) THANK YOU for recognizing TALENT where it is deserved!! xxoo
Interesting, the comparison to Tony Bennett. I too feel that there is something about Elliott that reminds me of TB - his addictive smile, his likeability, and how he enjoys the music. Spot on review!
YES,I agree ELLIOTT will be the TONY BENNETT of the future!Here come's AWESOME ELLIOTT YAMIN!ELLIOTT'S voice melt's people's heart's like butter!E's voice is MAGICAL!All good thing's come to those who wait!I think this year will be a very big year for E.Everybody's comments are AWESOME!This story from Baldchemist is AWESOME!I agree with every thing in Baldchemist story!TONY BENNETT has been singing for 50 years!ELLIOTT will also be singing for 50 years or more!ELLIOTT IS DA MAN!ELLIOTT IS THE BOMB!!ELLIOTT IS THE FUNKY WHITE BOY!!! MY IDOL ELLIOTT
After reading your post, here's what I have to say - "DAMN STRAIGHT!"
You nailed it. Elliott's voice is like fine wine or an expensive sports car; one of the finer things in life.
i'm lovin me some elliott yamin!!! glad to hear there are so many others that recognize this great talent!
Here's a shout-out from another Elliott fan. :)
Over at Yaminions.com, there is a whole thread dedicated to Elliott's voice! It's superb! And I LOVE his rendition of "This Christmas" on iTunes!
I don't know if any of you ever saw Elliott's dad Shaul Yamin(he was in the AI audience during the top 24 rounds) but he actually looks a bit like Tony Bennett!
I totally agree with your comparison of Elliott Yamin to Tony Bennett. Elliott is just beginning his journey to becoming the greatest singer and icon of this generation and I am so glad to be along for the ride. I can't wait to be able to buy his CD and am enjoying listening to his version of "This Christmas" in the mean time! The fame and fortune he will achieve couldn't happen to a nicer person!!!
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